Contact Us

Got a question? Call 07 3855 5900 or email

Mon - Fri

7.00 am - 5:30 pm
7.00 am - 11:00 am

302 Wardell Street
Enoggera QLD 4051

Parking is available behind the house on Douglas Street, off Audrey St.

Enoggera Physiotherapy Brisbane

We are the grey house adjacent to Enoggera Shopping Village on the corner of Wardell and Audrey Streets.

"I saw great potential in this highly visible little house that had become somewhat obscured by an overgrown garden and allowed to fall into disrepair.

We acquired the premises here in the autumn of 2002 and opened in July of that year after much unphysiotherapy like back-breaking work. Since then the premises has been progressively renovated and updated and I remain very pleased that the decision was made to commence Enoggera Physiotherapy."

Steve Purcell

For appointments and enquiries, please phone 07 3855 5900 or email

302 Wardell Street
Enoggera QLD 4051

Mon - Fri

7.00 am - 5:30 pm
7.00 am - 11:00 am

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